Tuesday, February 17, 2015


December 22, 2014

HOWDY FAMBAM. OH MY HEART I AM JUST SO EXCITED TO SEE Y'ALL. It's going to be oh so wonderful. Just a heads up again I have 40 minutes MAX so NO CRYING is allowed. hahaha glad we got that taken care of.
There are so many interesting people here it kills me. And I love how it's possible to talk to people about anything. This guy was walking out of his apartment and he was a YSAer so we totally had to swoop in. Next thing I know I'm talking about Mt. Dew flavors with him...but hey I made a connection real fast so it all worked out and he actually started opening up more. *s/o to all the NOM elders for being obsessed with Mt. Dew so I actually knew what to talk about*  Hahaha I love being a missionary. I have fully embraced the awkwardness. His name is Alex...and he's apart of the sexy nerds club here in Omaha. OH MY HEART WHEN DID THAT BECOME A THING. Straight up group of nerds that get together on the weekends at bars and talk about video games and ....other things.....but he said he might look at He Is The Gift so mission accomplished.
It was Sister Powell's birthday last Tuesday so it was such a fun day and I was able to be oh so sneaky the whole time. And can I just say that birthday's on the mission are true miracles? Hahaha so I texted basically everyone in the phone telling them it was her birthday and as a present we would like to come visit...and super super SUPER less actives were responding and it was a grand old time. The Lord is so good!
KAYLA CAME TO CHURCH AGAIN THIS WEEK AND STAYED FOR ALL 3 HOURS. She ASKED us to call and wake her up. Miracles. I just love her sooo much. We had a lesson with her earlier this week and at one point Sister Powell reads a scripture to her about trusting in the Lord and Kayla with a dead straight face and wayyyy too much sass says, "I already know that." Sister Powell looked straight up terrified. Poor thing. I didn't warn her enough I guess. But it ended good. She was yelling about how  all the people in the church are hypocrites and ladeeedaaa so now she has committed to coming to church for 3 months straight and she plans on proving that this church is wrong. She seriously kills me. Pretty sure I threw my planner at her the other day b/c she was being so difficult...kindly of course....and she loved it and started laughing. I really don't understand her hahaha but I love her to death.This is our relationship in a nut shell: in Sunday school the tithing settlement clipboard was getting passed around and I pass it to her and say "you can just go meet with the bishop and talk to him...he really wants to meet with you!" "...nice try Case..." and we have this 10 second glare stare down and then I lose on purpose and smile at her and she just rolls her eyes at me and shakes her head. Yep, that sums it up quite well. It was really tender though b/c when we were  walking up with her to have a lesson she just looked different and it actually took my breath away for a second. She looked happier. The spirit is trying sooo hard to shine through...but she keeps trying to kick it out. But it was just a testimony builder to me that Heavenly Father knows and loves her and wants her to know that. She has come such a long way!!
We had Christmas zone conference this week and Sister Dumont and I were there together and sang a song. I feel like I'm singing wayyy too much lately haha. But it was so great to be with the best friend again. God loves us!
And we went to the temple too! I LOVE THE TEMPLE. So magical.
I love this time of year and I love He Is The Gift and sharing it with everyone at the Trail Center. I love the spirit that it brings into the room and how people are truly happier afterwards. I was walking past this one women (who was not a member) and she tells her little boy, "that made mommy have a better day." WAHHH TOOO TENDER. I love my Savior Jesus Christ. He truly is the gift and #because of him we can find true happiness in our lives. Have such a merry Christmas and never forget what it's all about!
LOVE YOU. See you soooon
Sister Case


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